1991 International Quartet Contest Scores

Louisville, Kentucky
July 5, 1991

(Last Update: 11/01/04)

HARMONET SCORING SUMMARY, International Quartet Contest
Quartets 11-20, Both Rounds
SPEBSQSA, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky, July 5, 1991

SEMI-FINALS                SND      INT      S P      ARR   SUBT PREV TOTL  SECONDS
11 Broadway              226 229  239 235  222 215    7   7 1608 1670 3278* 126 196
12 California Gentry     229 222  244 241  241 222    6  -4 1627 1651 3278* 123 183
13 HarmonyWorks          223 234  240 237  226 231   -2   4 1622 1635 3257  173 103
14 Northwest Spirit      230 233  228 241  233 230   10   5 1642 1613 3255  125 199
15 Chordiac Arrest       203 207  246 253  241 258    3 -11 1605 1647 3252  132 201
16 4 U                   220 213  243 233  237 248   -4   1 1608 1612 3220  107 112
17 Simply Grand          219 222  214 226  218 211    1   8 1540 1615 3155  101 190
18 Reunion               208 214  218 225  214 204    8  15 1517 1631 3148  149 160
19 Crackerjacks          207 201  235 232  203 213    3   3 1504 1618 3122  181 137
20 Esprit de Corps       213 212  215 217  214 208    6   1 1499 1621 3120  146 168

10 Broadway              247 238  243 238  227 226    3   5 1670            160 168
11 California Gentry     237 230  237 241  224 235    2  11 1651            170 118
12 Chordiac Arrest       213 206  248 268  236 260   -1   7 1647            115 205
14 HarmonyWorks          232 231  242 238  228 221    7   4 1635            157 159
15 Reunion               236 240  227 233  230 226    0   1 1631            112 162
16 Esprit de Corps       223 226  229 237  232 240    5   4 1621            139 184
17 Crackerjacks          231 226  228 232  230 230    7   5 1618            126 135
18 Simply Grand          231 233  232 227  231 222    5   2 1615            116 157
19 Northwest Spirit      230 235  224 234  221 230   -4  10 1613            167 170
20 4 U                   224 235  232 243  219 226    8  -5 1612            167 148

Score Totals and Subtotals include Sound scores multiplied by 1.5.
* Ranking tie broken by scores in Sound - Article 27 of Official Contest Rules

  Chairman              Don Challman     Shoreview, MN        Land O' Lakes

  Vice Chairman         Rob Hopkins      Clinton, NY          Seneca Land

  Sound                 Dale Comer       Lincoln, NB          Central States
                        Darryl Flinn     No. Canton, OH       Johnny Appleseed
                        Jim McKee        Albany, OR           Evergreen

  Interpretation        Doug Miller      Prior Lake, MN       Land O' Lakes
                        Jan Muddle       Webster, NY          Seneca Land
                        Paul Wigley      Algona, IA           Central States

  Stage Presence        Lou Benedict     San Diego, CA        Far Western
                        Carl Hancuff     Edmond, OK           Southwestern
                        Gary Wulf        Columbus, OH         Johnny Appleseed

  Arrangement           Doug Beck        San Diego, CA        Far Western
                        Scott Werner     Dale City, VA        Mid-Atlantic
                        David Wright     St. Louis, MO        Central States

  Secretary             Doug Ellis       London, ONT          Ontario

  Asst. Secretaries     Roger Meyer      Eden Prairie, MN     Land O' Lakes
                        Chuck Watson     W Worthington, OH    Johnny Appleseed

  Timekeepers           Ray Barrett      Durham, NC           Dixie
                        Chuck Brewer     Oklahoma City, OK    Southwestern

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