1975 International Quartet Contest
June 28, 1975, Indianapolis, Indiana

HARMONET SCORING SUMMARY, International Quartet Contest

PANEL OF JUDGES                                              DISTRICT
Chairman            Burt Szabo            Oviedo, Florida       (SUN)
Vice Chairman       Donald G. Flom        Scotia, New York      (NED)

Harmony &           Joe F. Brothers       Temple, Tex.          (SWD)
Accuracy            Robert C. Cramer      Syracuse, N. Y.       (SLD)
                    B. Thomas Woodall     Charleston, Ill.      (ILL)

Balance             William A. Ball       Bethesda, Md.         (MAD)
and Blend           Robert B. Fraser      Naples, Fla.          (SUN)
                    A. L. Knight          Calgary, Alta.        (EVD)

Interpretation      Robert J. Craig       Stamford, Conn.       (MAD)
                    Ernie Hills           Medford, Okla.        (SWD)
                    R. Philip Winston     Atlanta, Ga.          (DIX)

Stage               Arnold L. Bauer       Bridgeton, N. J.      (MAD)
Presence            Raphael S. Glynn      Westfield, N. J.      (MAD)
                    John F. Hines         Pico-Rivera, Calif    (FWD)

Arrangement         Robert C. Brock       SaIt Lake City, Ut.   (FWD)
                    Thomas A. Gentil      Cincinnati, O.        (JAD)
                    J. Edward Waesche     Melville, N. Y.       (MAD)

Secretaries (Chief) J. H. Compton         Westfield, N. J.      (MAD)
                    Edmund Duplaga        Cuyahoga Falls, O.    (JAD)
                    S. Wayne Foor         Rochester, N. Y.      (SLD)

Timekeepers         Ronald L. Bell        Loudon, Ont.          (ONT)
                    Charles P. Nasser     Miahigan City, Ind.   (CAR)

                  Category   H&A      B&B      INT    S P     ARR    SUB  PREV TOTAL  SECONDS
Rank  Quartet     Song No.  1   2    1   2    1   2          1   2  TOTAL PTS. SCORE   1   2

 1 Happiness Emporium      246 242  240 249  253 258  530    9  10  2037  4102  6139  137 168
 2 Innsiders               245 251  232 240  245 265  519    9   7  2013  3943  5956  118 196
 3 Grandma's Boys          234 230  231 242  234 246  474    3   7  1901  3892  5793  149 179
 4 Boston Common           233 218  236 248  240 242  438    8   2  1865  3813  5678  105 154
 5 Vagabomds               242 233  239 233  249 245  442    2   6  1891  3779  5670  141 132

 6 Soundtracks             238 236  233 235  224 230  498    1   4  1899  3715  5614  150 120
 7 Command Performance     205 205  225 237  242 251  446    3   5  1819  3673  5492  108 218
 8 OK-4                    187 195  227 230  233 247  477    7   3  1806  3640  5446  142 150
 9 Nova Chords             210 203  222 223  228 225  453    6   8  1778  3576  5354  163 111
10 Roaring 20's            195 180  211 214  224 224  472    5   8  1658a 3593  5251  123 112

 a - Time penalty, 75 points (5 seconds at 15 points / second)

                      PREVIOUS SCORES from Semi-Finals Contest, June 27

 1 Happiness Emporium      245 250  249 252  254 261  513    6   5  2035  2061  4102  142 181
 2 Innsiders               229 233  226 236  252 254  520    9   5  1964  1979  3943  153 151
 3 Grandma's Boys          232 233  237 236  246 249  472    4   8  1917  1975  3892  158 123
 4 Boston Common           244 226  238 242  251 264  456    8   8  1937  1876  3813  111 235
 5 Vagabomds               246 240  236 239  243 243  453    7   7  1914  1865  3779  166 110

 6 Soundtracks             232 221  240 239  232 234  502    8   4  1912  1803  3715  150 117
 7 Command Performance     216 210  233 239  231 247  460    5   4  1845  1828  3673  117 171
 8 OK-4                    206 206  229 222  239 231  470    4   3  1810  1830  3640  116 173
 9 Roaring 20's            203 203  226 215  237 233  526    2   4  1849  1744  3593  134 110
10 Nova Chords             202 198  219 218  232 238  441   10   6  1764  1812  3576  121 166

                      PREVIOUS SCORES from Quarter-Finals Contest, June 26

 1 Happiness Emporium      247 258  251 254  253 250  532   14   8              2067  143 119
 2 Innsiders               241 252  242 247  232 257  496    4   8              1979  149 165
 3 Grandma's Boys          251 253  250 241  252 247  475    2   4              1975  151 158
 4 Boston Common           236 224  238 223  248 250  446    2   9              1876  112 161
 5 Vagabomds               229 229  235 236  243 244  440    7   2              1865  163  99

 6 OK-4                    201 205  225 234  216 245  504    0   0              1830  167 131
 7 Command Performance     223 220  236 233  235 243  437    3  -2              1828  128 188
 8 Nova Chords             227 227  216 220  228 230  452    5   7              1812  196 123
 9 Soundtracks             237 224  225 210  220 241  439    1   6              1803   99 193
10 Roaring 20's            211 210  210 211  222 208  458    4  10              1744  146 132

The scores listed above have been hand-entered. Any typo's or other errors
are purely unintentional. When in doubt, please refer to the OFFICIAL 
published score sheets for actual scores.

Please contact harmonetreporter@yahoo.com with any corrections.

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