2019 Chorus and
Quartet Contest Scores
(This web page last updated: 11/15/2019) |
Note: This page is updated as soon as possible after new scores
are available. Please have patience and I'll get them out there
as soon as I can! Thanks!
Links to Scores:
2019 Fall Contest Scoring Summaries
2019 Fall District Chorus Contests
(Carolinas District (NSC) held their chorus contest in the Spring.)
2019 Fall International Quartet Prelims Contest Scores
Note: (Starting in Fall 2013) Districts can choose to hold all Prelims qualifying contests in the same weekend. Districts listed here now have their Quartet Prelims qualification contest for International 2020 in their Fall 2019 convention weekend.
- ILL - Illinois District Quartet Prelims Contest
2019 Fall International Seniors Chorus Preliminary Contests
Note: Check the regular District Chorus score sheet for Seniors
Chorus information if a separate score sheet does not appear here.
2019 Fall District Quartet Contests
2019 Fall District Seniors Quartet Contests
(Carolinas District (NSC) held their Senior Quartet contest in the Spring.)
(Southwestern District (SWD) held their Senior Quartet contest in the Spring.)
Note: Also check the regular Quartet Contest scores for Seniors
Quartet information if a separate score sheet does not appear here.
2018 Fall Mixed Harmony Chorus Contest Scores
2019 International Contests, Salt Lake City, Utah
New Format Score Sheets:
Traditional Format Score Sheets:
2019 Spring Contest Scoring Summaries
2019 International Quartet Prelims Scores
Note: ILL and RMD Districts held their Prelims contests last Fall.
Note: Score Sheet formats are changing with the new Barberscore program.
New format PDFs are included where available.
- CAR - Cardinal District Quartet Prelims Contest
- CSD - Central States District Quartet Prelims Contest
- DIX - Dixie District Quartet Prelims Contest
- EVG - Evergreen District Quartet Prelims Contest
- FWD - Far Western District Quartet Prelims Contest
- ILL - Illinois District Quartet Prelims Contest (held Fall 2018)
- JAD - Johnny Appleseed District Quartet Prelims Contest
- LOL - Land O' Lakes District Quartet Prelims Contest
- MAD - Mid-Atlantic District Quartet Prelims Contest
- NED - Northeastern District Quartet Prelims Contest
- NSC - Carolinas District Quartet Prelims Contest
- ONT - Ontario District Quartet Prelims Contest
- PIO - Pioneer District Quartet Prelims Contest
- RMD - Rocky Mountain District Quartet Prelims Contest (held Fall 2018)
- SLD - Seneca Land District Quartet Prelims Contest
- SUN - Sunshine District Quartet Prelims Contest
New Format score sheets:
Traditional formatted score sheets:
- SWD - Southwestern District Quartet Prelims Contest
2019 International Affiliates Quartet Prelims Scores
Note: Some Affiliates held their Prelims contests in 2018.
- BABS - British Association of Barbershop Singers Quartet Contest
- BHA - Barbershop Harmony Australia Open Quartet Competition Finals
2019 Spring District Seniors Quartet Contests
2019 Spring Quartet Contest Scores (non-prelims)
2019 Spring Mixed Quartet Contest Scores
2019 Spring Chorus Contest Scores
2019 Spring Mixed Chorus Contest Scores
2019 Mid-Winter International Convention Scores
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