Basso Profundo Phil Haines is a professional auctioneer
and has been clocked at close to the speed of sound with "Loquacious Lip Lingo." Phil has taught the quartet
the secrets of singing real fast without hurting themselves. Phil has sung in several quartets, including
former Pioneer Second Place quartet - "High Bid".
According to Phil, "The Township" is by far his best looking quartet (with or without his curly hair). Larry has sung the lead part with quartets in Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina,
and now Michigan. Larry was the lead in a former International top 20 quartet - "CrackerJacks". He has worked for the same company for over 20 years.
Larry has some corporate career aspirations, but his real goal is to "grow up" to become a barbershop
bass – or a fireman. He's not likely to grow up soon. Tom works for the City of Portage, MI.
Though he has sung the baritone and lead parts in other quartets, this is his first foray into the Tenor
"Heights of Harmony". After you hear him, you'll wonder why he ever bothered singing baritone. Thankfully,
without Tom, this would not be Phil's best looking quartet. Gary works in the tool and die business. (You'll have to ask him what that means.)
Gary sang with Tom in the popular Pioneer District quartet - Unlawful Assembly. Gary used to sing bass.
In his Philatoga audition, Gary was asked what all he knew about music. His response was "Well, I know
a little bit of everything but not much of anything". . . . he was a "shoe-in" for a baritone. Philatoga Township 10/01
Phil Haines - Bass:
Larry Reinhart - Lead:
Tom McCoy - Tenor:
Nitz - Baritone:
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